The first article I came across this morning details the rise in this form of coffee making. Granted, its for the coffee drinker that wants more than their morning jolt of caffeine. The second shows how its done. Micah Yost is the focal point of the first article, as is how he makes his Morning Joe:
"[Yost] measure the coffee beans, grind them, fit the Clever with a standard paper coffee filter, then pour water over the grounds and let them steep for a few minutes, depending on how strong they want the brew. Then the brewer sets the Clever on top of their coffee cup and a lever snaps open a hole in the bottom, allowing the finished coffee to drain into the mug. Yost makes his coffee in about five minutes. He said he likes the Clever because, unlike some of the other brewing methods, it brews just enough coffee for one person."This is serious coffee drinking. The article goes on to speak about the different methods and hardware that can be used to hand-brew coffee, and the merits of each. If you want try these types of labor intensive beverages, you can head to one of the two Aroma's Coffehouses in town and try them for yourself.
They'll do all the brewing, and customers can enjoy the fruits of their labor while decided what kind of set up they may want at home.
Aromas is at 1031 Jones St in the old market, or at 402 Arts Collective at 60th and Maple in Benson.
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